Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day #22 First day in Vancouver, Canada

An excursion to British Columbia required an early departure to get from Olympia to Seattle on time to catch a 7:40 a.m. Amtrak. Mick drove us (good picture of the man-cave vehicle to follow).

Mt. Ranier treated us to a peak...

And so did the Seattle skyline and King Tut outside the King Street Station...

The conductor checks our seat assignments.
Amtrak Car #6

The engine is ready.

Low tide greeted Lorrie and I all the way up, but it was still scenic and exciting!

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And then just after crossing the Canadian border and seeing a naked man on the beach (missed the photo op), everything stopped....
A freight train blocked the tracks ahead of us. FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR.

Many blueberries lined the tracks, teasing us trapped on the inside of the train. (We had not been through customs yet!)

Finally moving, sites of Vancouver appear...

And Lorrie and I arrive, pass inspection at Pacific Station and head out on foot to find a trolley stop using rudimentary maps, MK certain it wasn't too long of a walk, taking in some family Olympic sites...

Stadium where opening ceremonies were held.

Science Center

International Village, we ate lunch here while still trying to find our way to the trolley stop.
Finally succeeding, although weary, we hop aboard the Vancouver trolley Blue line.

Because we lost a couple of hours in the delay, (and, by the way, I lost my cell phone charger somewhere along the way... the side pouch on my bag came unzipped).

We took notes on the partial tour leg of things to see later and had them drop us off at a spot closest to our hotel to check in and have a little rest.

No complaining from Lorrie, although she did wear a whole in her socks from all of the walking!
Nap time for me!

The trolley lines ended at 4:30, but refreshed from a nap, a revised plan was hatched... take a taxi to the waterfront for dinner!

Aye, aye, Captain Lorrie!

Dinner outside as the sun set.

Maple glazed salmon
And then the light show began in the sails over Canada Place, changing colors and patterns every few minutes. There are ten sails, one for each Canadian province. The moon, almost a blue one, put on a show for us, too!

A short walk found the Olympic torch and a theme party... 100s of people in white...
 A quick cab ride back with just a small fare and time to relax in the hotel. What better than a bubble bath for those weary, but pretty toes!

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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