Friday, September 7, 2012

Day #29 Leaving Olympia/Seattle, Hello Burbank and Southern CA

Even retirement has a schedule, albeit more flexible. September 6 held confirmed airline tickets from Seattle, through Oakland and down to Burbank, CA, on Southwest Airline. (I will, along the journey, consider taking a bump for free tickets if the opportunity arises, because I can be flexible!)

Goodbyes were said to Snickers and
Bailey. (Don't worry, boys, I left Lorrie a note explaining it wasn't you too that dumped a whole gallon of ice tea. You two can get into enough trouble all on your own!)
A quick stop at Cutters Point for coffee and collecting hugs from Mary...
and accepting a hat niece Mary crocheted for my new nephew, Ethan, that I will meet later in September!
The flights were easy and I finished the last of the Hunger Games books, Mockingjay. Perfect, don't you think?

(Shown with my favorite bookmark, a hummingbird hologram)
Healing nicely and appropriately molting! Birds do that!

My friend Denise from Olean with ties to Fredonia and dear friend, Kathy, met me and took the short drive to her condo.

The next welcoming committee: Kasia, Denise and Charley!

View from the guestroom. (This is bed #10 in the journey.)

And Denise gets the prize for coolest sink! Love that spigot!
Good company, great wine, great pasta!

Holy cow! I may have found the only cow in Burbank, albeit fake, but hey we're in Hollywood! (Allegany and Cayuga counties have it all over Burbank in the cow count!)

From evergreens in WA to palm trees in CA

Coastal Mountains

Perfect way to end the evening. Drinks on the patio at Castaways overlooking the city skyline and LA in the distance!
Big day tomorrow... Sony studios (former MGM)!

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