Friday, September 28, 2012

Day #51 Trouble has arrived in Tomball Texas

Wednesday evening's arrival after dark meant the drive to Tomball with Karen took us past the Houston skyline!

The first stop was to meet friends and experience the world of Texas Karaoke. There were only a handful of people so I took the microphone and give a whirl at Carole King's So Far Away

Once we made it home the welcoming committee was waiting...

Boo, the cat, short for Boo

 And my roommate...
Kie, the lovebird, short for Kienan
On my bed, Karen left me a two-fer... two of my favorites in one: a pretty box and a peacock!

On her walls and in Karen's spaces, I found familiar things surrounding us...

I have this exact wind chime. It hung over my kitchen sink in the lake house. It was a gift from my friend, Jane Tylenda, when I left GV for SC. (I like the shadow, too.)

Framed postcard prints of places around Portville that were painted by my mother....

And the exact same tri-fold screen that I had at the lake house and used as the back drop with wisteria drapings at the 60th wedding anniversary party for Craig and Helen Pease when they renued their wedding vows on May 14, 2010, in Waterloo, NY. (I paid $8 for mine at the Salvation Army in Syracuse. Karen paid more.)

A special treasure in the garage... the DOLL HOUSE! It is a replica of the Linderoth home on Maple Street that her Dad had made just before they moved from Portville to Las Vegas. (Mel and I talked on the Thousand Oaks leg about running up and down the steep back stairs from the kitchen to the second floor.)

Lest those who recognize the house be confused, the front porch steps are temporarily sitting on the side of the house, just because there is not enough room on the table.

Karen is adding lighting!
 Thursday morning we lingered over coffee and reminisced before making the way for a spa day for me!

New pedi

Brow wax

French tips

Monica took great care of me. We were destined to spend time together in Spring, TX. She is getting married in December. Her colors and theme are PEACOCK!

Displayed on Karen's kitchen windowsill is confirmation for why I believe I may be in for trouble while in Texas!
And so, I am choosing discretion for the next bit of text, intentionally omitting any detailed photos.

 This is Bea, Karen's friend and partner in crime. (I will explain the blue lights momentarily.)
Behind me is Roger with the blue light on his wrist. (I cropped the blue light on my boob.)

We were in a place that hosts Karaoke on Thursday nights called (remember I can't make this stuff up) - The Beer Joint. Lighting is part of the ambiance.

Friend Roger is a regular crooner, as is his brother, Derrell. Most of the singers are taking wacks at country tunes.

I stuck to the Beatles (When I'm Sixty-Four, Yesterday) and more Carole King (You've Got a Friend)

We won't talk about the fact that there were many bras, thongs, g-strings and pairs of underwear stapled to the ceiling and signed for posterity. (I can't make this up and I did not take a picture!)

I voted for the early departure (10 pm) and, after getting into pjs, Karen serenaded me from downstairs with familiar songs as she played the piano. 

This was followed by a brief reminiscence of slumber parties and then the merits of the right to breathe right. We agree that it is quite inconvenient to sleep at night using our hands to stretch our faces to open the nasal passage. In fact, this may actually increase the wrinkles that come without assistance and the passage of time. We both put on a Breathe Right strip after Karen reviewed the proper way to apply, pinch down and release. (Picture it. Just picture it. Now smile.)

This is the look I a going for by morning. (Hey, you never know!)

And, finally....

Even the cereal box has welcomed me to Tomball, TX! A good day all around. 

What a journey!

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