Monday, August 20, 2012

Day #11 Quiet Day with Bella; Poor Tom is back to work!

Single men (a.k.a. Tom) have routines and life choices. Tom has chosen to make do without a toaster. I was successful toasting my breakfast bagel in the oven broiler one morning. It required close supervision. I was not so successful today.
Even so, I do see eyes and a smiley face. Don't you? The chuckle was needed as I managed to set off the fire alarm. Tom had already gone to work. It is important that he has a place to come home to! I will do better at the supervision of toasting bagels in the future. It must be easier than supervising a school district.

This is Bella. She slept through the screaming smoke detector. She is happy to be home as she stayed with Tom's friend for a couple of weeks while he traveled for work and did the cross country trek with me.
 I intend to spend a good share of the day at the pool doing a water workout that I like because I don't like to sweat and I can't tell if I am sweating in the water! A book, a nap, thinking time are all on the "to do" list today.

Mission horizontal was accomplished in two places, here at the pool side ...

and here in the guest bed.
I spent about 3 hours at the pool. Two good work outs in the water. I skimmed the pool as the petals from the flowering trees dropped constantly. "Oh, bother, they smell so sweet."

Tom got a mattress and box springs in preparation for my stay. Previous visits have given me his bed and he took the couch. (This stay was too long and motivated actually using the second bedroom for something other than storage.) The accommodations are comfy, albeit low to the ground. A single bed should be fine for a single person, but, alas, it was just a matter of time erstwhile rolling around that I fell off the bed. (Rather, I tipped off as the mattress slid in the roll.) It is a good thing that I didn't have far to tumble and the carpet is soft...only minor carpet burn on my leg and right hand...the same injured in my tumbling trip in St. Louis over a curb whilst walking to a place called Calico's one block from our hotel.

Above is the sight of the first tumble that I was not going to report on, but felt compelled today in light of the more recent occurrence of instability. (Note: Tom was the fine son and assisted me up and queried on my condition.)
I was tasked to prepare dinner tonight when Tom gets home from work. I am concerned, though, that things come in threes and I shalt not dare an injury of home or body on this day.

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