Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day #63 Laundry, Balloons Overhead, Devin's Story, Gordy's Birthday

As my journey nears its end, I spent Tuesday morning doing laundry while Christine took Erik to the VA Hospital for a cat-scan. There are changes in his skull and pictures are needed. Gordy worked the Wounded Warrior tent at the  Fiesta again and Anneka went to school.

 This is the mold showing what was left of Erik's scull after the armor piercing weaponry went all the way through his helmet and brain. He is a miracle. Every day. He is a warrior. Every day. The Schei family are warriors. Every day.

Erik is a decorated vet.

Brother Deven made a promise to Erik that if anything happened in Iraq he would go an finish the job. Although hard for Christine to accept, Deven followed in his brother's footsteps, enlisted in the Army, trained and was sent to Afghanistan with the 101 Airborne. He was not there long before the Schei's got the phone call. Deven, too, was wounded and would be flown back to the states for medical care. Gordy and Christine will never forget that day. It was July 2, 2010.

Devin has a Purple Heart for his service as well. He was hit by a RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) and  suffered a severe leg injury, but did not lose a limb. He suffers from PTS, post traumatic stress syndrome. He lost his hearing in his left ear and has persistent back problems. Sleeping is hard. Sudden movements or loud noises trigger flashbacks. 

So many of our wounded suffer. So many commit suicide. Vietnam vets were treated horrifically when they returned state side. They have made sure the Irag and Afghan vets don't experience the same. The Wounded Warriors mission carries the torch.  

Deven and Kayla were married on August 4 of this year. Erik was best man. Anneka was a bridesmaid. (She is only 12 and a beauty!) Erik had worked hard to use his electric wheel chair to get himself to the front for the ceremony. He had worked in speech and used the DynaVox to prepare a best man speech.

October 9 is Gordy's birthday. He was up at 3:30 a.m. for the second day in a row volunteering to work the Wounded Warrior tent at the Fiesta grounds. He was born in '56 and is 56 today, not getting older, just getting better.

Take time to watch this video of the Soldier Ride last year in Phoenix, listen and feel the love of Erik from Deven and the support from other vets.

Each year the Schei's celebrate Erik's birthday. They also celebrate his alive day, October 26. Deven's alive day is July 2.  

The balloon launch on the Fiesta grounds was perfect today. I had my own show right at the Schei compound.

This one flew directly overhead. I could hear them fire the burners. The neighbor's dog could, too, and was howling like the coyotes do every night.

He attempted and aborted a nearby landing.

Creative shot with focus front to show you how close this was all happening. The leaves are from the tree in the Schei patio area.

My next project was to make Gordy's birthday cake. Gordy will tell you he found me in the kitchen with flour all over my face making a mess. As Erik would say, "Liar. Liar. Liar."

German Chocolate, straight from the box with a canned icing!

I finished my fourth book during my two month adventure. I highly recommend this read with the whole story told in the voice of a five year old.
Gordy got to choose the place for his birthday dinner.

Deven noticed teachers from their high school and invited them to come say, "Hello!" They were thrilled to see how great Erik is doing. Erik was very happy to see the people that helped him and his brother get through high school with a diploma! Teachers make a difference!

 Check this out - another hippie fish in the big tank near our table... a cousin, I am sure, of the one Karen and I met in the Aquarium in Galveston!

And the best shot of the day: Kayla, Anneka, Deven, Gordy, MK, Christine, and Erik. Good looking bunch, yah?

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