Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day #16 Buoancy and then Tahoe by Nightfall

I set out on my journey just two weeks ago, but the experiences have been so full that it seems much longer. Time is an anomaly.

Nowhere in Africa on Netflix was the order of the morning, before the pool. It reminded me of the other side of my Germany experience. Even though I lived in West Germany just 40 years following the end of WWII, there was no talk of it and little evidence that anything had happened unless visiting a concentration camp. The Berlin Wall came down in 1989, years after I left. The movie portrayed Jews who anticipated the wave of senselessness creeping into Germany under Hitler's leadership and left while they were still able to in the late 1930's. Once in Africa they were allowed into Kenya by the British to run farms. I cannot process that these atrocities to man happened then and are still happening now in other corners of our world. 

I particularly enjoyed the German language throughout the movie, refreshing myself and cheating, when needed, with the English subtitles.

 The big goal today was swimming 10 laps in the pool. My first day I did 4, then 6, and yesterday, 8. It is good. 

When I finish with my water aerobics I like to float. Picture it. Now smile. My Dad taught me to float and I swear I could float for days, hours, or months if necessary.

Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
I believe Archimedes words explain my gift of floating...I displace a lot of fluid and, therefore, am buoyed up. 
MK floating in the Westdale Commons pool. Although this self portrait seems to suggest another theory. Isn't it possible    that this is evidence of being buoyed in the  arms of God? Sorry, Archimedes.Note: I am wearing a two piece. My toes, hands are out of the water. My ears are under the water ~ my father's secret. And today I learned how to operate the timer on my camera for a 10 second delay so I could get this shot! 

How to Develop Spiritual Buoyancy

“There is another level of spirituality… a basic spirituality… basic human qualities of goodness, kindness, compassion, caring. Whether we are believers or nonbelievers, this kind of spirituality is essential. As long as we are human beings, as long as we are members of a human family, all of us need these basic spiritual values.” ~The Dalai Lama
When we are struggling to keep our heads above rough waters and turbulent waves, we can begin to flip our attitudes and mindsets by immersing ourselves in the lives of others — by giving a helping hand, offering what goods or advice or listening ears we possess — we begin to create a sense of spiritual strength, of true inner resiliency, a deeply grounded “buoyancy” within.
It might seem an irony, but by giving ourselves to others – beyond our means and at our inconvenience — and focus less on ourselves, our pains and suffering; we help develop the spiritual resiliency to stay afloat amid difficult times.

I am, ultimately, taking this time to seek God's will in this new, next phase of my life. I truly desire to discern His will for me and live the life I was destined for, pleasing Him. I am uncertain what it will be, but know that it will be beyond my imagination as I take His hand and give Him my heart over and over again.

Writing inspires me and I worked until 1 a.m. on Friday morning at the desk in Tom's guest room.

Sometimes Bella watches me work during the day.

After Tom got out of work Friday evening the plan was to back into the Sierra Nevada mountains to South Lake Tahoe for two nights. It is just a 2.5 hour drive from Modesto. We arrived by 10 as we had a late start so Tom could get his picture taken for the church directory. I only know there is a lake very close from the Garmin images and did catch a glimpse of the mountain shadows once or twice.

While gambling is the lifeblood of Nevada, we have booked a Saturday morning tour of Emerald Bay on the Tahoe Queen. Then in the afternoon we will take the Gondola up to the top at Heavenly Mountain Village.

A comfy bed is the in order. (No camping for this woman! Cousin Diane agrees with me after her recent tent camping experience.) 

1 comment:

  1. Floating - one of the reasons I love to swim - weightlessness! And - doesn't Heavenly Mountain Village sound like a precursor to eternity? With ya' re:camping...ya' know - we discussed!

    Really enjoying these posts, MK!
